Presentation of the book by Nuno Cardoso-Ribeiro and Maria Fátima Silva in Viseu
On November 18th, the book “(QUASE) todas as minutas da Jurisdição da Família, Crianças e Jovens e seu Enquadramento Jurídico” by our coordinator Nuno Cardoso-Ribeiro and Judge Maria Fátima Silva was presented in Viseu, at the delegation of the Portuguese Bar Association.
The presentation of the book was moderated by the Prosecutor of the Republic Dra. Ana Afonso and counted with the interventions of Dr. Vitor Pereira Pinto, Deputy Prosecutor General and the lawyer Dr. Rita Brazete.
Watch here the Viseu Now Portal’s news report about the event.
Watch here the video of Nuno Cardoso-Ribeiro’s intervention.